began offering Dedicated Mac Mini Servers about a year ago. This removed the need to purchase a mini outright, reducing up front costs for our customers. With our dedicated Mac mini server packages you manage all of the software, OS configuration and backups while the engineers at maintain the networking and hardware. All of our Dedicated Mac mini servers are connected to the network at 1Gbps. Ordering your Mac mini dedicated server has never been so simple, and there is no long term commitment.
Sign up before August 31st to receive 50% off each month for the first 5 months. USE PROMO CODE: MMV-50off5 This promo code will discount all of our Dedicated Mac minis by 50% down for the first 5 month, after that the service will go to normal price. No commitments, no contracts, no setup fees. We offer Free hands-on support*, remote reboot, bandwidth graphs, and discounts from our software partners with all of our Dedicated mini plans.
Test out our speeds and your software configurations:
We offer a zero-commitment 24 hour demo of our colocation service using minis we own and have configured. The demos are great for testing speeds and performance as well as installing software and testing configurations. We zero-out each demo hard drive before redeploying it. Sign up for a demo at
Dedicated Mac mini service details:
We are stocking both 2012 and 2014 model Mac minis with optional SSD hard drive upgrades. You can also choose an alternate operating system during the check out process. Worried about backups? No problem. We can provide an external 2TB or 4TB USB drive for backing up your data so make sure you add that option to your shopping cart during the check out process.
Order your Dedicated Mac Mini Server Today!
– This is available to new and current customers signing up for a new Dedicated mac minis
– After the 5 month promotional price, the monthly pricing will revert back to normal pricing
– The promotion runs from July 11, 2016 to August 31, 2016
*Free hands-on support is available during 1st shift hours on normal business days.