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A few years ago, we wrote a script that allowed users to install WordPress in one minute. Due to popular demand, we have updated the script to work on OS X Yosemite. As long as the MySQL installation is performed ahead of time, this script will perform 95% of the WordPress installation on an OS X 10.10 Yosemite machine that is running Server.app.

The script will create the database and database user, download the latest version of WordPress, and place the files in the proper folder with the proper permissions and database settings.


Before installation: Make sure you have OS X 10.10, Sever.app installed and initialized, and MySQL installed.

1) Open Terminal and run the following command (one line):
bash <(curl -Ls http://git.io/KQ_dvw)
2) Enter in your password, MySQL root password and a domain (example.com) when prompted.

3) Open Server.app and add a new website with the same domain (example.com) - Put "www.example.com" under the additional domains. Replace example for your real domain name. Under 'Advanced Settings', check the checkbox for 'Allow overrides using .htaccess files'.

4) Point your domain to your mini, or edit your hosts file and visit the domain in a browser to complete the WordPress setup.

DISCLAIMER: Back up your data, read all directions and warnings, Mac Mini Vault and CyberLynk are not responsible for any issues caused by running this script, and back up your data.

This script is a part of our Mac-Scripts project on GitHub