Earlier this month a bug was discovered that allowed remote execution of code through bash. Earlier this week it started popping up on security mailing lists and Redhat had posted a patch to update their distro’s of Linux which is when we started testing...
Mac Mini Vault has offered SSD upgrades since early 2012. ‘Enterprise’ quality drives were reaching affordable prices at usable capacities. Speed and performance are the main benefits of upgrading to an SSD. But at what cost? Early SSD technology had...
Today VMware released Fusion 7. Beyond improved more advanced hardware and OS support – they added in one great feature. VMware Fusion can now connect to and have some limited control over VM’s running on ESXi servers. VMware Fusion 7 Pro has a...
UPDATE January 2023 – Mac Mini Vault is no longer offering the Watchman Monitoring service to customers. We continue to recommend Watchman as a valuable addition to your monitoring suite. However, we feel that the service is better provided directly from...
A lot has been going on at Mac Mini Vault. We’ve been building more cabinets, more data center space, and earlier this year we opened our second location. We’ve been working on adding features, creating new services, and constantly adding value to our...
We’ve ran this great promo in years past as we’ve expanded and built more Mac mini cabinets. This year we expanded to an entirely different state. Our Phoenix, Arizona data center was brought online in March 2014 and has been a great option for customers...